Our Team | American Way Challenge
Ordinary People - Extraordinary Athletes
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Hear directly from our team members, each with a history as a top level athlete,

share an insider’s perspective of world class athletes. This page will share a series of snippets that will tie together Ordinary - Extraordinary people. More importantly, revealing why us Americans are grossly under utilizing the true value of our world-level athletes.
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Dr. Brian Yodice, provides an insider’s perspective of top-notch athleticism, over a series of 2 - 3 min. podcasts. Initially a strong athlete, then a Division-One University diving coach and, now a sports Chiropractor. Click here for more of his story.
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Devon Harris, born in Jamaica, WI. is recognized as a world-level bobsledder, motivational speaker, author and philanthropist. Devon is well positioned to share how the improbable becomes exceptional. Learn more of his journey.

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